Arthur Kozlowski

Broker of Record

Book Review of Shift - How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times by Gary Keller

I discovered this book during my search for resources that might help navigate our newly transformed Ontario real estate market, and I was not disappointed.

While published in 2009 for the US market, the book offers timely suggestions that could be applied by any REALTOR in any shifted North American market.

There are no earth-shattering revelations about buyer markets here, but what this book does really well is give the reader hope that as a real estate salesperson, it is still possible to do just as well or better even when the market has shifted, like it has here in Ontario.

The majority of the book focuses on the discussion of 12 tactics that REALTORS must employ to be successful in a shifted market. For professional agents, much of this book won’t be new information, but many may find select sections and their details to be worth the read.

I myself have found the section on Creative Financing Solutions to be especially inspiring, making my mind spin with solutions to buyer financing problems.

This book is a must-read for any real estate professional looking to adapt and thrive in changing market conditions. It serves not only as a guide but also as a source of motivation and encouragement in these times of new opportunities.

Arthur Kozlowski

Broker of Record